Tag: Opensource
Introduction OpenRADIOSS is a software package for nonlinear and linear structural analysis. It is a solver for finite element analysis and includes support for various elements such as truss, beam, shell, and solid elements. OpenRADIOSS is an open-source software package, which means that it is free to use, distribute, and modify. It is developed and…
Open Source Modelling and Visualization Libraries
Introduction Open source 3D modeling and visualization refers to the use of software and tools that are freely available and can be modified and distributed by anyone. These tools and libraries provide a wide range of functionality for 3D modeling and visualization, including the ability to create and edit 3D models, perform numerical simulations, and…
MFEM Tutorials (3) Simple Linear Elasticity Problem Describing a Multi-Material Cantilever Beam Part B
Define a finite element space on the mesh. Here we use vector finite elements, i.e. dim copies of a scalar finite element space. The vector dimension is specified by the last argument of the FiniteElementSpace constructor. For NURBS meshes, we use the (degree elevated) NURBS space associated with the mesh nodes. This code sets up…
MFEM Tutorials (3) Simple Linear Elasticity Problem Describing a Multi-Material Cantilever Beam Part A
Description This example code solves a simple linear elasticity problem describing a multi-material cantilever beam. Specifically, we approximate the weak form of where is the stress tensor corresponding to displacement field $\textit{\textbf{u}}$, and lambda and mu // are the material Lame constants. The boundary conditions are $\textit{\textbf{u}}=0$ on the fixed part of the boundary with…
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition(POD)
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) is a mathematical technique that can be used to extract the most important modes of a system from a set of snapshots of the system’s state. It is a data-driven method and it can be used to identify the most important features of a system regardless of whether the system is…
NGSolve Tutorials (3) Dirichlet Boundary Conditions Part C
Solve for the free dofs¶ We need to assemble the right hand side of $A_{FF}u_{0,F}=f_F-\left[ Au_D \right]_F$, namely This code creates a linear form f, and it represents the left hand side of the weak form of a PDE. In this case, a constant function 1 is used as a forcing term and multiplied by…
NGSolve Tutorials (3) Dirichlet Boundary Conditions Part B
Extension of boundary data¶ We use the standard technique of reducing a problem with essential non-homogeneous boundary conditions to one with homogeneous boundary condition using an extension. The solution $u$ in $H_1$ satisfiesu$\Gamma_D=g$ and for all $v_0$ in $\in H_{0,D}^1= { v \in H^1 : v|_{\Gamma_D} = 0 }$. Split the solution where $u_D$ is…
NGSolve Tutorials (3) Dirichlet Boundary Conditions Part A
This tutorial goes in depth into the mechanisms required to solve the Dirichlet problem with a nonzero Dirichlet boundary condition The same mechanisms are used in solving boundary value problems involving operators other than the Laplacian. You will see how to perform these tasks in NGSolve: Spaces with Dirichlet conditions on part of the boundary The first…
Heat Transfer Analysis and Open Sourced Finite Element Tools (1) List of Tools
There are many open-source tools available for solving heat transfer problems. These include: All these software packages are open-source, and they provide a wide range of features and capabilities, and can be used to solve a wide range of heat transfer problems. Some are written in Python, others in C++,Fortran, and all have active user…
NGSolve Example for Heat Transfer using Complex Geometries Part A
these lines of code are importing several modules that are used for performing boolean operations on 3D shapes and visualizing the resulting shapes in a web browser. These modules can be used together to perform boolean operations on 3D shapes, perform FEA simulations on the resulting shapes, and visualize the resulting shapes in a web…