Tag: python
WebGUI Capability of Opensource Finite Element Tools
there are a few that have web-based graphical user interfaces (GUIs) available: Overall, while some of the open-source tools above can be used with web-based GUIs, it is not all of them have this capability, most of them require some programming knowledge to use, and they are mostly command line interface based. However, you can…
Heat Transfer Analysis and Open Sourced Finite Element Tools (3) About Opensources
CodeAster: Code_Aster is an open-source software for finite element analysis (FEA) developed by EDF (French electric company). It can be used to solve a wide range of problems, including heat transfer problems. It is primarily written in Fortran language and provides a comprehensive set of features for solving both steady-state and transient heat transfer problems.…
Heat Transfer Analysis and Open Sourced Finite Element Tools (2) About Opensources
MFEM: MFEM is an open-source library for solving partial differential equations using the finite element method. It is written in C++ and provides a wide range of features for solving both scalar and vector-valued problems, including heat transfer problems. MFEM provides several discretization options for solving heat transfer problems, including continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods,…
Stacks of Web Developments for Numerical Simulations
There are many different combinations of technologies that can be used to build a web application, and these combinations are often referred to as “stacks”. Some common web development stacks include: These are just a few examples, and there are many other possible stacks that can be used for web development. The specific stack that…
NGSolve Example for Heat Transfer using Complex Geometries Part B
These lines of code are using the Mesh class from the ngsolve module to create a finite element mesh of the 3D model of the package. The Mesh class is used to create a discretization of the 3D model that can be used to perform finite element analysis (FEA). The OCCGeometry class from the netgen.occ…
NGSolve Example for Heat Transfer using Complex Geometries Part A
these lines of code are importing several modules that are used for performing boolean operations on 3D shapes and visualizing the resulting shapes in a web browser. These modules can be used together to perform boolean operations on 3D shapes, perform FEA simulations on the resulting shapes, and visualize the resulting shapes in a web…
NGSolve Tutorials (2) CoefficientFunctions Example Part B
6. Integrate a CoefficientFunction The Integrate function in ngsolve is used to compute the integral of a function over the domain of a given mesh. The function to be integrated is specified as a CoefficientFunction, and the mesh over which the integral is to be computed is specified as a Mesh object. In this case,…
NGSolve Tutorials (1) First NG Solve Example Part B
In NGSolve, the BilinearForm class represents a bilinear form defined on a finite element space. A bilinear form is a function that takes two finite element functions as input and returns a scalar. It is used to define the left-hand side of a weak formulation of a PDE. In the code you provided, a bilinear…
NGSolve Tutorials (1) First NG Solve Example Part A
It is a example and explanation of which is described in docu.ngsolve.org Let us solve the Poisson problem of inding u satisfying in the unit square on the bottom and right parts of the boundary on the remaining boundary parts. The ngsolve module is a finite element library for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) in…
How to Enable webgui_jupyter_widgets and Make Webapp from *.ipynb File
webgui_jupyter_widgets is a package that provides tools for building web GUIs using Jupyter and the ipywidgets package. It is built on top of the ipywidgets library, which provides a set of interactive HTML widgets for use in Jupyter notebooks and the JupyterLab web-based development environment. webgui_jupyter_widgets extends the functionality of ipywidgets by providing additional widgets…