Category: Finite Element
How to Enable webgui_jupyter_widgets and Make Webapp from *.ipynb File
webgui_jupyter_widgets is a package that provides tools for building web GUIs using Jupyter and the ipywidgets package. It is built on top of the ipywidgets library, which provides a set of interactive HTML widgets for use in Jupyter notebooks and the JupyterLab web-based development environment. webgui_jupyter_widgets extends the functionality of ipywidgets by providing additional widgets…
Required Packages for Webapp based on Jupyter Notebook and NGSolve Webgui
To use NGSolve with a web GUI, you will need to install the following Python packages: To install these packages, you can use pip, the Python package manager. For example, you can install the ngsolve package by running the following command: You can install the other packages in the same way. webgui_jupyter_widgets is a package…
How to Generate and Implement of Webapp based on NGSolve generated by Jupyter Notebook
o create a web application using Jupyter and nbconvert, you will need to follow these steps: jupyter nbconvert –to html mynotebook.ipynb or jupyter nbconvert –execute mynotebook.ipynb –to html This will create an HTML file called mynotebook.html in the same directory as your Jupyter notebook. It is generated Jupyter notebook example using mesh generation using ngsolve.…
How to regenerate geometry from meshes in ANSYS workbench
In ANSYS Workbench, it is not possible to regenerate the original geometry from a mesh directly. However, you can try the following workaround to reconstruct the geometry from the mesh:
How to import gmsh’s meshfile to ANSYS Workbench
How to use NGSolve under Python envrionment
NGSolve is a powerful finite element software for solving various types of partial differential equations (PDEs) and engineering problems, including beam deflection analysis. To perform a beam deflection analysis using NGSolve, you can follow these steps: In here, I described how to do simple 3D beam tensile test by NGSolve This code defines the geometry…