Tag: python
Required Packages for Webapp based on Jupyter Notebook and NGSolve Webgui
To use NGSolve with a web GUI, you will need to install the following Python packages: To install these packages, you can use pip, the Python package manager. For example, you can install the ngsolve package by running the following command: You can install the other packages in the same way. webgui_jupyter_widgets is a package…
Websites Development from HTML, CSS and Javascript : (3) Make Triangle at Website using WebGL
Here is an example of an HTML page with two tile-style buttons and a 3D view using WebGL: The first button has an onclick attribute that calls the displayDate function, which displays the current date in an alert box. The second button has an onclick attribute that calls the drawTriangle function, which gets the canvas…
Websites Development from HTML, CSS and Javascript : (2) Dividing Html File to HTML, CSS and Javascript and Service the Website using Flask
You can divide your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code into separate files and link to them from an HTML file. This can make your code easier to organize and maintain. To link to a CSS file from an HTML file, you can use a link element in the head section of the HTML file, like…
Finite Difference Scheme (4) Python Examples for ODE
Here is an example of how to use NumPy to solve a second-order ODE using finite differences: First, we can import NumPy and set up the grid of x-values: Next, we can define the function $y(x)$ and its second derivative $y”(x)$: Note that in this example, we are using a function that has a known…