Tag: Finite Element Method

  • Heat Transfer Analysis and Open Sourced Finite Element Tools (2) About Opensources

    MFEM: MFEM is an open-source library for solving partial differential equations using the finite element method. It is written in C++ and provides a wide range of features for solving both scalar and vector-valued problems, including heat transfer problems. MFEM provides several discretization options for solving heat transfer problems, including continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods,…

  • Heat Transfer Analysis and Open Sourced Finite Element Tools (1) List of Tools

    There are many open-source tools available for solving heat transfer problems. These include: All these software packages are open-source, and they provide a wide range of features and capabilities, and can be used to solve a wide range of heat transfer problems. Some are written in Python, others in C++,Fortran, and all have active user…

  • NGSolve Example for Heat Transfer using Complex Geometries Part B

    These lines of code are using the Mesh class from the ngsolve module to create a finite element mesh of the 3D model of the package. The Mesh class is used to create a discretization of the 3D model that can be used to perform finite element analysis (FEA). The OCCGeometry class from the netgen.occ…

  • NGSolve Example for Heat Transfer using Complex Geometries Part A

    these lines of code are importing several modules that are used for performing boolean operations on 3D shapes and visualizing the resulting shapes in a web browser. These modules can be used together to perform boolean operations on 3D shapes, perform FEA simulations on the resulting shapes, and visualize the resulting shapes in a web…

  • Boolean Operation Examples for Netgen

    In computer-aided design (CAD), boolean operations are a set of functions that allow you to create new shapes by combining or modifying existing shapes. These operations are called boolean because they are based on the logical values of true and false, and they use the concepts of union, intersection, and difference to create new shapes.…

  • Boundary Conditions for Partial Differential Equations (1) Types of Boundaries

    Here is a summary of the different types of boundary conditions that are commonly used in partial differential equation (PDE) problems: where $u$ is the variable (such as temperature or velocity) and $g$ is the fixed value specified by the boundary condition. where $u$ is the variable (such as temperature or velocity) and ${du/dn}$ is…

  • NGSolve Tutorials (1) First NG Solve Example Part B

    In NGSolve, the BilinearForm class represents a bilinear form defined on a finite element space. A bilinear form is a function that takes two finite element functions as input and returns a scalar. It is used to define the left-hand side of a weak formulation of a PDE. In the code you provided, a bilinear…

  • NGSolve Tutorials (1) First NG Solve Example Part A

    It is a example and explanation of which is described in docu.ngsolve.org Let us solve the Poisson problem of inding u satisfying in the unit square on the bottom and right parts of the boundary on the remaining boundary parts. The ngsolve module is a finite element library for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) in…

  • FreeFEM++ Tutorials #1. Introduction to FreeFEM++ and How to Install it.

    FreeFEM++ is a high-level language for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) that can be used to solve problems in structural analysis. It is designed to be easy to use and provides many built-in features that make it suitable for solving a wide range of problems in structural mechanics, including linear and nonlinear…