Category: Numerical Libraries

  • Linear Algebra for Rust and Examples (3) Parallel Linear Solver

    To use the multi-frontal solver in a parallel fashion, you can use the rayon crate to parallelize the factorization and solution steps of the solver. Here is an example in Rust: This code creates a random sparse 3×3 matrix A with approximately 50% non-zero elements and a random 3D vector B, and then solves the…

  • Linear Algebra for Rust and Examples (2) Inverse Matrix and Linear Solver

    Here is an example of how to compute the inverse of a 2×2 matrix using the nalgebra library in Rust: The try_inverse method computes the inverse of the matrix, if it exists. If the matrix is singular (i.e., not invertible), it returns None. The unwrap method is used to extract the inverse from the Option…

  • Linear Algebra for Rust and Examples (1) Matrix Multiplication

    There are several linear algebra libraries available for Rust, some of which are designed for general-purpose linear algebra and others that are specialized for computer graphics. One popular general-purpose linear algebra library for Rust is the nalgebra library, which provides types and functions for working with vectors, matrices, and transformations in various mathematical spaces (such…