Category: 미분류
[CMD] How to extract all files name in directory
You can use the command “dir” to list all files and folders in a directory, and “dir /b” to list only the names of files in a directory. To save the list of filenames to a text file, you can use the command “dir /b > filename.txt”. For example, to list all files in the…
Front-end Web Frameworks : (2) Foundation
Introduction Foundation is a popular responsive front-end framework that is similar to Bootstrap in terms of features and functionality. It is an open-source framework developed by ZURB, a design and development company. The framework is built on top of the popular jQuery library and provides a wide range of features and tools for building responsive,…
How to Execute C++ Console Program with Background Mode
Unix-based System To execute a C++ console program in background mode on a Unix-based system, you can use the “nohup” command. The syntax is as follows: The “nohup” command allows the program to continue running after you close the terminal window. The “&” at the end of the command runs the program in the background.…
Modal Analysis for Transient Heat Transfer
Modal Superposition Modal superposition is a technique used to solve wave equations, such as the Schrödinger equation, for systems with arbitrary boundary conditions. The basic idea is to express the solution as a linear combination of a set of orthonormal modes that satisfy the boundary conditions. These modes, called boundary modes, are determined by solving…
Formulations of Heat Transfer Equation (1) Governing Equation
Governing Equation of Time Transient Heat Equation heat equation is a common example of a parabolic partial differential equation that is used to model heat transfer in solids. It can be written as: Where: $T$ = temperature $t$ = time $α$ = thermal diffusivity (a material property) $k$ = thermal conductivity $\rho$ = density $C_p$…
NGSolve Example for Heat Transfer using Complex Geometries Part A
these lines of code are importing several modules that are used for performing boolean operations on 3D shapes and visualizing the resulting shapes in a web browser. These modules can be used together to perform boolean operations on 3D shapes, perform FEA simulations on the resulting shapes, and visualize the resulting shapes in a web…
Boundary Conditions for Partial Differential Equations (1) Types of Boundaries
Here is a summary of the different types of boundary conditions that are commonly used in partial differential equation (PDE) problems: where $u$ is the variable (such as temperature or velocity) and $g$ is the fixed value specified by the boundary condition. where $u$ is the variable (such as temperature or velocity) and ${du/dn}$ is…
Required Packages for Webapp based on Jupyter Notebook and NGSolve Webgui
To use NGSolve with a web GUI, you will need to install the following Python packages: To install these packages, you can use pip, the Python package manager. For example, you can install the ngsolve package by running the following command: You can install the other packages in the same way. webgui_jupyter_widgets is a package…
Finite Difference Scheme (3) Examples for Ordinary Differential Equation
Here is an example of how to solve a second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) using finite differences: Suppose we have the following second-order ODE: where $y$ is a function of $x$ and $y”$ is the second derivative of $y$ with respect to $x$. To solve this ODE using finite differences, we can start by discretizing…
Finite Difference Scheme (2) Second order schemes
Here are examples of numerical schemes for finite differences that have second-order accuracy: Forward differences: To achieve second-order accuracy using forward differences, we can use the following formula: This formula uses three function values to approximate the derivative, which results in a higher-order approximation. For example, suppose we have the function $f(x) = x^2$ and…